Wayne Carpenter, Achievement Specialist, Executive Coach and Exploration Guide
Firstly, hello and welcome, thank you for taking time to be here today I am excited to connect and meet you on your journey!
As you're here, please allow me to take a moment a tell you a little about myself so we can start to get to know each other today.
Originally from the UK, I have been living in South East Asia, Malaysia/Singapore for more than 20years. For a little over half of my life I have been working on Global Multi-National Organisations which has given me the opportunity to meet and connect with people around the world. Whilst we may originate from different backgrounds, different beginnings we each have the power and the right to decide where do I want to be in the future, perhaps the question you may be exploring is "Who Am I?" or perhaps "What Do I Want?" - If you're recognising perhaps patterns which repeat or things which are not as you would intend them to be - lets connect!
For the past 16years, after significant investment and a great deal of time spent being curious and on the journey of deeper understanding of self, high performing cultures, habits and patterns of success. The process and journey led me in the discovery of unleashing human potential, and leading teams through significant transformation and change along the way. I have trained professionally in multiple disciplines of executive, performance coaching, business coaching and personal change works. Certified NLP practioner and trainer, practioner of IEMT, TFT, Hypnotherapy and clean language coach, I am also an experienced guide and facilitator of IoPT works. Personally and professionally my works are based in Malaysia.
Everyday is a new day, today as you sit there reading my site, I am grateful for you taking the time and if you have any questions or would like to connect, please click on the button below, lets connect and I look forward to supporting working closely with you... To Your Success!​
Live Your Best Life - Live The Way You Choose